Saturday, November 17, 2007

What I Do When I'm Sick

I've been sick for most of this week, and I decided today that I was going to get up and do something. For about three hours I went though my bookcases and re-discovered a lot of my old writing.

In one of my notebooks, I found a list of questions I had written down when I was thinking about going to graduate school. I don't know if I was actually going to ask someone these or not, but judging by the sarcasm, I believe they were intended for my eyes only:
  1. Why did you decided to get a M.F.A? Why not just write?
  2. How many schools did you apply to? Was it hard to get in?
  3. How can you teach really bad and annoying writers and not go crazy?
Most of my notebooks are filled with lines of poetry or prose I thought up amid lecture notes. I feel that I can safely admit this now that I have graduated.

Here are a few examples:

"If you say you're a writer, people think you only write poetry."

"Love waits for creation on paper -my reason to write"

"Write something insightful"

"I don't need enlightenment...I need a nap."

"I quieter I try to make my mind, the more I just want to fall asleep."

The one thing I found out today was just how much writing was apart of my life even when I wasn't working on a project. Even in my Biology notebook I've found lines scattered throughout notes about cell division. I think I did some of my best work when I was supposed to be doing something else.

1 comment:

Geoff Trowbridge said...

Of course, the other positive aspect to your unfortunate illness is that it got you blogging again!

Here's hoping for a swift recovery. Thanksgiving sucks if you can't eat.